Powerflush Pro


What are the signs that you need a power flush?

There are many signs that your system is suffering from a build up of what the heating industry refers to as sludge in the system 

  • Cold spots at the bottom of the radiator – sludge and dirt settles at the bottom of the radiators in little piles and as they build up the cold spots get bigger
  • The heat from the radiators is reduced
  • Radiators stay warm or cool but the pipes are hot
  • Radiators need bleeding and the water is noticeably darker than usual.
  • The system makes a banging or knocking sound, this can come from the boiler or radiators/pipes
  • Boilers overheat because they have to work extra hard to heat the home
  • Boilers can make a whistling sound as parts of it overheat or cycle on and off as the overheat stat continually cuts in
  • For combi boilers you may notice only warm water from the taps as the heat exchanger become blocked on the system side by dislodged debris

What will happen if the problems go untreated?

Leaving the problem could make it worse in many ways:

  • The system will become increasingly inefficient and expensive to run
  • The radiators will struggle to heat your home
  • Loose debris will damage parts of the boiler
  • On combination boilers, hot water will come through warm as the domestic heat exchanger blocks due to debris
  • Corrosion in the system will lead to pin holes in radiators and dirty leaks onto carpets
  • Radiators and pipework may require replacement

My boiler insurance provider says I need a power flush before they will repair my boiler

It is very common for the terms and conditions of Boiler Cover providers to state that they will not replace parts damaged by sludge until you have had a power flush. The most common repairs required are blocked heat exchanger , pump failure and valve failures none of which will be covered if there is sludge in the system. D Rhodes Heating Ltd powerflush for all the major insurance providers and issue you with a British Standards powerflush certificate upon completion.

Call now for expert advice on powerflushing

Powerflush Prices 2023-24

1-6 Radiators £450.00 plus vat

Extra radiators add £50.00 per radiator including towel rail radiators 

Open vented system add £70.00 plus vat 

Microbore systems add £280.00 plus vat

Underfloor heating £100.00 per circuit plus vat 

Magnaclean filter fitted at time of powerflush 

22mm Magnaclean Pro 2 - £150.00 plus vat

28mm Magnaclean Pro 2  - £250.00 plus vat


D Rhodes Heating Ltd 

D Rhodes Heating Ltd central heating system power flushing disclaimer to be read by all powerflush customers 

The main component of a heating system is the boiler. When a boiler is renewed, the  boiler manufacturers’ Benchmark scheme requires that the system be thoroughly cleansed to the  BS7593:2006 Code of Practice. Currently, best industry practice is considered to be to power flush the system.

Power flushing is the fastest and most effective way to flush heating systems, and involves minimal disruption and dismantling.

We use purpose built power flushing pumps, designed to cure the circulation and boiler noise problems caused by accumulations of sludge, corrosion deposits and scale which are found in most ageing central heating systems.

The power flushing pump is temporarily connected into a heating system during the flushing process. The high water velocity, combined with instantaneous flow reversal, dislodges and mobilizes sludge and corrosion deposits.

Having loosened the debris, the pump expels it from the system to waste, using a high velocity flow of fresh water.

Radiators are individually flushed without removal or disconnection from the system. After the power flush, the system is full of clean water, and re-in statement to normal operation is then carried out full of clean water with inhibitor (corrosion protection) 

A power flush can be extremely effective in cleaning systems that have corrosion problems.If your system has sludge due to a design fault, we strongly recommend that any such design faults be rectified before power flushing commences.

The success of a power flush will depend on the level of heating system corrosion which has occurred beforehand. The process will cure most circulation problems, but cannot undo the corrosion and gradual decay that has led to the need to power flush the system,This can be the case in micro bore systems more so than a standard system.

Whilst it is rare for a heating system to experience leaks after the power flushing process, it is not possible to inspect a system internally beforehand, and the need to use a flushing and dispersing chemical (see Part L of the Building regulations) for effective cleansing means that occasionally we may find a pinhole leak in pipework / radiators/ cylinders the final breakthrough event of a progressive attack of pitting corrosion.

The advanced stage of corrosion required for such a situation means that the leak would occur imminently even without a power flush. We believe that it is better that it occurs whilst we are present to remedy the problem, rather than for it to arise over a weekend or whilst the house is unoccupied.

Systems which have been neglected over a period of time, or have not been treated with an effective corrosion inhibitor, may have severely compacted corrosion debris, in the pipe work, radiators, cylinder or boiler, and it is possible that even after the power flush, some radiators may still not be fully effective and can even block up completely, boilers on the margin of failure may cease working due to sludge and debris later breaking loose and collecting in the heat exchanger blocking it, Which will result in having to replace the heat exchanger at an additional cost. Neglected Systems sometimes are so badly corroded that leaks and failures can occur on radiators ,radiator valves, pipework , boilers ,hot water cylinders, coils, pump failures, zone valve failures This is as a result of the sludge that would of been sealing the problem area being cleared opening up the problem area causing a leak or compacting sludge causing a lack of flow which can cause some central heating components to fail, In which case would need to be replaced at an extra cost.

PLEASE NOTE: The vast majority of power flushes that we carry out are without problem, and result in a cleaner and more efficient heating system, with radiators restored to their original output.

 Call now 07545342227 all major credit cards accepted